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What You Need To Know About Oral Hygiene

“Smile is the best makeup one can wear.”Everyone wishes to have a gorgeous smile. Don’t they? Regardless of how your teeth look you can always transform your smile into something that’s stunning and vibrant. Oral health is more important than you think. A dentist treats a patient’s teeth at least once in every six months. But it is impossible that a dentist do so every day. Thus educating patients over oral hygiene to ensure that they maintain healthy teeth without having to visit their dentist every now and then is necessary. But for good oral hygiene you must visit your dentist for regular checkups. This is essential to be orally healthy.

What to do for wisdom tooth ache?

For most people, growth of wisdom teeth is more likely to bring pain, swelling, soreness and disturbance to the natural alignment of the teeth. It can as well escalate to infections and bleeding. The most common reason for wisdom tooth ache is that it is outgrown and cannot fit in your gum which apparently hinders normal activities like talking or eating. It is sometimes ideal to remove the painful wisdom tooth, but here are some home remedies and precautions that can be of some help.

Home remedies to treat wisdom tooth:

  1. Salt gargle
  2. Cloves
  3. Ice neck
  4. Peppermint oil
  5. Ginger tea
  6. Mustard oil treatment

Precautions for wisdom tooth ache:

  1. Maintain oral hygiene.
  2. Restrict the intake of painkillers to 1/day.
  3. Consult a dentist and get tested for allergies and anesthetics.
  4. Avoid consumption of anything that’s too cold or hot.

What to do: when filling falls out

It is important to know what to do when the tooth filling falls out. Restoration or filling, they all have a breaking point and will need replacement. In such emergency situation visit your dentist for treatment. Clean your teeth gently around the infected region and clean your mouth and teeth by rinsing with water or mouthwash. Here are few quick fixes that can relieve your pain until the Best Dentist in Miami Lakes can comfort you.

  1. If you can reach the sensitive area, apply some clove oil using a cotton ball.
  2. To keep the crown in place temporarily, cover its inner surface with the “cement” of the teeth, which you can purchase from the pharmacy.
  3. If you have lost the filling or crown, you can use the over-the-counter age cement to cover the tooth surface.

What to do if teeth feel really sensitive?

There are a number of things that can cause tooth sensitivity. If it doesn’t go away, you should visit your dentist. Your dentist can suggest one of a variety of treatments. But here are few remedies you can treat yourself with.

  1. Use desensitizing
  2. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  3. Avoid consumption of acidic food.
  4. Use mouthwash on a regular basis.
  5. Consider getting a mouth guard.
  6. Teeth whitening.

Most often we avoid reaching out to our dentist. In case you are suffering from any severe oral problem, you can always visit “Smiles in Miramar” one of the best Dentist in Miramar FL.