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Why You Need a professional Dental Cleaning and dental checkups?

Most people question that why it is necessary to visit a dentist or to have a professional dental cleaning regularly? It is easy to assume that dental checkups are not important, but in actual they are your first line of defense against the major dental issues. A periodontal disease and gum infection is associated with low birth weight, stroke and heart disease. Professional cleanings and regular dental exams can prevent these and many other health problems. Here are some of the most important reasons to visit your dentist and have a professional dental cleaning done on a regular basis.

Cavity prevention: You brush your teeth, you do flossing, you are doing all the essential things to maintain your oral hygiene, but brushing and flossing cannot ensure to remove all the plague, bacteria and grime. Most people still miss the important areas of their teeth while brushing that results plaque. It is the number one cause of tooth decay. A dental cleaning is necessary and important when it comes removing anything that is left behind including plaque deep within your gums.

A boost in your overall health: Many scientific research and medical studies reveals that your overall health is directly associated with your dental hygiene. Having dental cleanings or dental exams can reduce the risk you suffer from a stroke or lessen the chances for heart disease. It is also right to conclude that many critical and life threatening issues can be detected early if you visit your dentist regularly.

Whiter and brighter smile: Let’s be honest, we all want our teeth to look whiter, brighter and beautiful. People who regularly consume tea, coffee or wine are more prone to confront with teeth stains. Moreover, if you are diligent about flossing or brushing your teeth then you will not be able to prevent teeth stains. Professional cleanings are proven and effective way of removing the teeth stains and helps you to achieve a crystal clear smile.

Fresher Breath: Bad breath is a major symptom of gingivitis and poor hygiene. The bacterial growth within your mouth can cause an unpleasant smell which is hard to avoid no matter how much you brush or floss. A professional dental cleaning can help to get rid of bad breath, allowing you to enjoy a bright smile with a fresh breath.

The benefits of dental cleanings are hard to ignore. If you want to prevent periodontal disease, gum bleeding, teeth staining and bad oral hygiene than visit our Miami dental clinic today.